New Chapter of The Shadow Gate with my illustration just published, you can read it for FREE @

Hi everyone, 

I am doing a Back-to-School sale @ my on-line store!!

$20 purchase or more 10%off - Coupon Code: schoolrock

$35 purchase or more 20%off - Coupon Code: schoolfun

Sale end Sept 23

My publisher, Immedium send this new book review of TreeHouse Heros and Forgotten Beast ^______^

"The magical artwork will draw readers in to this lusciously illustrated tale. The story focuses on possibly the last Zez, a magical creature from a far-east land, that is near extinction as forests have fallen, rivers dried up, and humans multiplied.

I have a lot of fun creating this piece.  It's inspired by my childhood Christmas memories in Hong Kong.  We don't get snow in winter.  Instead, the city decorates all the skyscrapers with Christmas lights with interacted patterns and the street and public spaces often decorate with giant Christmas tree and lanterns.  ^______^  The piece is watercolor and oil pastel mix-medium.  Trying to create a child like painting quality with pastel.

Here is my Popeyes Show piece.  This piece is watercolor, color pencils on Walnuts Hollow Basswood.  First time, using watercolor on a piece of walnuts hollow basswood ... and realize ... very much like different type of paper ... watercolor performs very differently from one type of wood to another.
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