Another piece for the SpongeBob show.  Below are sketches of the previous painting.

This piece is created for Spongebob Squarepants Tribute Show at Gallery Nucleus.

This sketch is inspired by Prague countryside.

Top two sketches are the last two pages from the trip.  This trip has been a wonderful experience, I meet a lot of wonderful new friends, and it's great to learn and catch up with my teacher, Glenn Vilppu.

Dear all, 

I have been selected to participate in the up-coming RAW SF event, Kaleidoscope as one of their feature artists.  This is a super fun and cool event, there will be performance arts, fine art, fashion show, music etc..

Danube River - Prague, Czech Republic

The Danube is very pretty.  Along the river are beautiful historical architects.  During our visit, the water level is very high, the river is suffering from one of the worst floods in recent history.  All the water transportation are shut down.

Danube River - Budapest

For these Budapest sketches, I use the new technique, which I just paint directly with watercolor without doing any pencil sketch first.

More sketches from the trip!!  I learn some fun new technique during this trip.  These set of watercolor sketches are painted directly with watercolor, without applying pencil sketch first.  It was quite intimidating in the beginning, but once you get used to the process, it really forces you to focus and think carefully before you put any stroke on paper.

Just get back home from my Europe tour with Glenn Vilppu, it has been a fun inspiring trip.  Here are sketches painted near the hotel I stay.

Street view around the corner from my hotel.

View from my hotel room window - Frank Gehry's Dancing House.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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