These are sketches from memory, while I was walking down the street.

Today, I decide to paint the view from my studio window during different hours of the day.

One of my new year resolutions is to do one practice sketch everyday in the morning.  So far ... it hasn't been too successful ... I am going to try harder to keep up with my goal!!  Below is an on-location sketch I did this past Friday.

These are concept sketches for a painting of an up-coming show.

Here is another painting for the Wizard of OZ show at Gallery Nucleus.

Below are more work-in-progress photos of the painting.

Unlike the other Wizard of OZ painting, I come up with the sketch of this painting in the first draft.  Part of me feel like doing something a bit silly and wicked.  I always like the twister scene in the movie, because of the humorous quality of the scene - Dorothy see the villagers flying through the window.

This is a piece I did for an up-coming show at Gallery Nucleus.  Titled: There is no place like home.

The making of this painting is a bit more "rocky" then usual.  It takes me three try to get the painting the way I want.  While this is not something I never experience before, I haven't had a creative block like this one for a while.  I always believe one learn as much from bad painting experience then good painting experience.
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