And when, on the still cold nights, he pointed his nose at a star and howled long and wolflike, it was his ancestors, dead and dust, pointing nose at star and howling down through the centuries and through him.

- Jack London, The Call of the Wild

There is no denying the amazing quality and variety of beasts that tromp the earth, soar its skies, and swim its seas.  We live as the minority among majestic and almost magical creatures that each have a place in the cycle of nature.  They inspire man's imagination and come to us in our dreams.  New species continue to be discovered and it would be a lonely world without such a diverse existence of life.

Nucleus presents a collection of artwork proclaiming the admiration we have for the world of animals around us.

Dear friends,

I recently create a FREE Art Newsletter mailing service, hoping it would be a fun and elegant way to share my latest art & books event and production stories with everyone. If you are interested to receive my newsletter, please sign up here: 

This is a private non commercial list. I wouldn't share it with another party. If you feel like discontinue the subscription, you can easily unsubscripted it anytime.

Dear friends in Japan,

I would love to invite you to my up-coming group show - Sapporo MYTH 2013 in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

12-17 February, 2013 / 10am to 5pm (Final day close at 4pm)

SKY HALL (Daimaru Fujii CENTRAL)

2, S1W3, Chuoku, 

Sapporo, Hokkaido, 




★ところ|大丸藤井セントラル スカイホール

北海道 札幌市中央区南1条西3丁目2



To my dear friends in New York area,

I would love to invite you to my Sketchbook Project show.

The new year has been busier then expected ... so far haven't been able to find time to paint yet ... so just sketches for now.  Hopefully will get to paint soon!!  

I just up-date my web-site with up-coming Art shows in 2013.
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