Below are pictures taken at the San Francisco, Book Inc TreeHouse Heroes launch party!

Haven't posted work-in-progress for a long while, here is a work-in-progress post of my most recent painting.

Dear all,

I would love to invite you to my up-coming Treehouse Heroes book event at Book Passage, Corte Madera on Nov 10, Sat, 11am.

Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA 94925

This event is super kids friendly, more cute little munchkins more fun!!

Hope to see you there!

Immedium, my publisher is having a fun November Giveaway! We have 5 free 8x10 photos of the Treehouse Heroes: Cha, Flo, Bri, Klee, & Gru.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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