These are break time sketches ... the top is painted with acrylic gouache ... bottom is a quick watercolor sketch. And the very bottom two are more rabbit story sketches.

I just learn something new yesterday. There is no wild zebras in Ghana ... for some silly reason, I though zebra is a fairy common animals in Africa. So I have to alter my Ghana book illustration with water buffalos. Thank god for Photoshop!! I don't have to paint the entire painting all over. HE! HE!!

Here are more illustrations of the rabbit and phoenix story ... which I may finally make into a book.

Here is the new version of the book illustration with water buffalos.

Top is a little piece for an up-coming charity auction show for Bay Area Girls Rock. The art show will be held on

Friday, Feb 4th, 6:30pm - 10pm at the Humanist Hall - 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA 94612.

Below are sketches of my office window view.

BTW, off topic, the kind people at PetshopBox's Blog selected my Anakin and Padme - "The Lovers" paintings in their Awesome Star Wars Arts Collection.

New Year resolution 1 - try to learn more about my new city by traveling and sketching one page at a time!

These are quick sketches of Legion of Honor. The very bottom piece is painted from memory, I try to paint a waterfall on a hike, but it starts to rain, so end up I just painted it at home. LOL

I just up-dated the artwork section and a new list of national exhibition schedule on my web-site.
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