Will be busy till Christmas, so only have some doodles for now!

Dear all, I would love to invite you to my up-coming "What if ..." group show at Gallery Nucleus:

"What If..."

December 10, 2011 - January 2, 2012

Opening Reception / Dec 10, 7:00PM - 11:00PM

Dear all,

I would love to invite you to my up-coming group show at Gallery Nucleus:

PIN Show

Dec 1, 2011

Gallery Nucleus

210 East Main St,

Alhambra, CA 91801

Detail information will be posted as the date get closer.

I also up-date my web-site with information of my up-coming gallery shows.

Finally finish the 6 pieces series. YAY!!

I just up-dated my web-site with the latest artworks and up-coming exhibition information.

I did an interview with Illustration.org last year for my solo gallery show at the Art Institute. Here is the direct link to my interview on my film blog - Creative Journeys of Alina Chau Interview.

First time I use egyptian papyrus.

These sketches are for an up-coming gallery show early next year. It's a black and white traditional martial arts mythology theme show. Each artist get assign a story theme ... my initial attempt here is to approach the story literary ... but as I start the actual painting, I didn't like it. It doesn't feel interesting ... So I decide to go back to the drawing board and start all over again ...

WOO HOOO!!! One more painting to go!! Wish me luck!!

I just up-date my web-site, please come and check it out!!

My latest group show on-line - Get The Lead Out III!

Paintings are available for sell on-line!!

Here is part one of an interview I did for my solo exhibition at AI in Sept 2010. The curator of the show just post this link on-line at Illustration.org.

Top is the last piece of the Fairy Tale Series. I will keep everyone posted, when this series is up on-line for sale in Nov. Below is an idea, which I kind of give up ... I like the concept, but I think the design need to more time to "bake" ...

I just up-dated the Artworks and Exhibition sections of my web-site, please come and check it out!!
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
Minty's Links
Minty's Archive