These paintings are concept art for a children book, which I did a long while ago. It's a cute little story about an immovable friendship.

Dear all,

I would love to invite you to A Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore Event tomorrow.

Saturday, August 28 2010, 2:00-5:00pm

The Cartoon Art Museum

655 Mission Street

San Francisco, CA


The Cartoon Art Museum welcomes Girls Drawn Girls, the renowned artist collective, to its bookstore for a special event on Saturday, August 28, from 2:00 to 5:00pm. Visitors will have the opportunity to watch the artists at work and view past Girls Drawin Girls projects.

Tonight is the opening reception of my solo arts exhibition at Art Institute Inland Empire. I would love to invite you all to the event. Please feel free to bring your friends and family along.

Art Institute Inland Empire

674 East Brier Drive

San Bernardino, CA 92408-2800

Opening reception:

26, August 2010

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Show run from August 26 to October 8, 2010

My exhibition information is also available at my web-site.

I have been trying to explore the area ... the top is inspired by scenery on the road, and the bottom piece is an on-location sketch, while my friends and I hiking in Oakland.

Lately many people have been asking me how I approach my watercolor painting. I happen to have a video camera, which my friend lend me right now. I decide to tape my painting process. The painting here is for the Arthouse Coop Sketchbook project.

Lately, I start to realize, I should practice drawing some Star Wars characters for fun. Even we do 3D stuffs at work, most if not all the 3D people at work are awesome 2D artists as well. When you see a gift book passed around in the office, everyone has a cool Star Wars character drawing in it, I feel miss out ... I end up just draw Minty ... cause I don't know what Star Wars character to draw ... and ... well ... haven't really try to learn how to draw one either.

Top is inspired by SF the city; bottom left is inspired by the rooster in my neighborhood and the right one is inspired by my hike to ... Err ... I can't remember what's the name of the place. Sort of spontaneously stop by a place, while I am driving and exploring.

SInce Alina has been so lazy that she turns into a couch potato ... I am going to take over this blog post!! HA! HA!!

BTW, thank you ahead, if you can write something here to talk the girl to get me all the presents in my Christmas wish list!! I mean ... 3 items in my list isn't really THAT much, is it?! Consider, I didn't even ask for Christmas gift last year ... and I have been pretty good for the most part this year ... so far ...

Another painting for the Sketchbook Project!

Dear all,

I would love to early invite you all to the opening reception of my solo exhibition at Art Institute Inland Empire on Aug 26, 2010.

My first San Francisco Sketchcrawl is a lot of FUN!! Although I start the day with 2 hours getting lost in the city ... trying to find the meet up location ... stupid GPS give me a wrong direction, take me to everywhere in the city and end up at the other side of the city, BUT the meet up spot under the Golden Gate Bridge ... anyhow, long story short ... all well end well, I find the group eventually. And the rest of the day is fun and relaxing!! It's wonderful to meet the artists here ...
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