These sketches are drawn this past Sunday, when I accidentally get blow away by a wicked wind and landed in the land of OZ!! Err ... OK ... may be not it's not REALLY that dramatic ... but I sure feel like Dorothy, when I stand in the middle of the Mojave Desert Grassland seeing bright orange poppies covering all the hills and flat lands!! The view is simply stunning!!

BTW, I would love to invite you all to my up-coming gallery show at Hive.

Come one, come all to MAYhem at The Hive!

OPENING party: MAY 1, 2010


(show will run from may 1-may 29, 2010)

729 South Spring street

Los Angeles, CA 90014

Also, I just found out Hive Gallery write a special blog post about my artworks. I feel very flattered and honored.

Been very busy lately, didn't get to sketch much. These are more pages for the Sketchbook Project. Err ... top is my home not the garden.

I have a wonderful inspiring day visiting the famous designers, Eames' house in Pacific Palisades. Overall today is a good day. After the tour to the house, I went to visit Eames Office in Santa Monica, and end the day visiting one of Frank Lloyd Wright's house, Hollyhock house in Hollywood. Unlike the Eames house, this is house design for a client, not the architect's resident.

After living in LA for over ten years, this city never ceases to surprise me. I was walking along Broadway cross 7th street the other day, and discover this cute little side street - St Vincent Court. The place looks like a page from a cartoony European illustration. I enjoy my first visit at St Vincent Court so much, I go back to again yesterday and bring my friend along. We eat at Tulip Cafe, very delicious and relatively inexpensive food for its high quality.

More pages from the Sketchbook Project. A lovely day at Descanso Gardens. It's so gorgeous right now with most of the flowers blooming!! The place is like an explosion of color!!

Dear all,

I would love to invite you to my up-coming group show.

More from the Sketchbook Project!! Part of this project is to keep good documentation of the little book, so I try to take pictures of the location and scan in every single pages!!

Don't let the fat juicy appearance of the ducks deceive you ... they can run quite fast!! I try to catch one ... *just for fun, not for food* ...

I sign up for a Art House Co-op project with the Brooklyn Library. They send me this little Moleskine sketchbook with a bar code on it ... Oooh will take a picture of the bar code next time ... anyhow ... long story short ...
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Minty's pet
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