To me, it's not really Spring, until I start seeing cherry trees blooming with fluffy pink and white petals!! Cherry blossom is one of my favorite flowers ... it's also one of my favorite fragrances - most of my lotion, shower cream and perfume all have a touch of cherry blossom in the ingredient.

These sketches are drawn at the Descanso Garden. Right now is one of the best time of the year to visit the garden, many flowers are blooming, the garden is cover with amazing spring color!! And of course, all the cherry trees are blooming. I was hoping to paint more then two paintings today ... but then ... half way through the paintings ... I get hungry and start day dreaming about Sicilian gelato in a bun ... so I take off, call up my friend up and look for dessert ...

I have been trying to do more sight seeing around LA. It's kind weird to hear someone decide to be a tourist of their own city. One thing I like about LA ... there are so many hidden historical sites and interesting spots. Even after living here for over 10 years, I still discover new places, where I never heard or visited before. This is drawn at the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. I learned about this place from one of the fellow sketchcrawl members.

One more illo for the Girls Drawn Girls Book. Below is another set of Vandal Heart Storyboard. Storyboard is copyrighted by the studios.

This is a painting to a Tribute Art Show to Miyazaki. I always love Japanese classical paintings, this piece is also my personal tribute to another Japanese master, Utagawa Kunitsuna.

This last piece is another "Veto" painting.

This is for a good old school pal's Birthday!!

More Vandal Hearts storyboard - top is the final version; bottom is based on an earlier script. These boards are for end credit section, so it more like background plus layout design, then "story" "storyboard" ... All these production boards are copyrighted by the studios.

This is the second "Insect" theme piece. The concept behind this painting is one of those random weird ideas pop into my head ... how about a little grasshopper falls in love with an owl ... Err ... you know Romeo and Julie sort of love between the "dinner" and the "eater" ... HA! HA! HA! HA!! Sometimes my brain just wire funny ... haven't quite figure how the relationship of these two will end though ...

It's me, Minty posting again today. Alina is being grounded right now. I am not going to let her get close to the art supplies and the computer, until she finishs our TAX!! She has been talking about doing the TAX since like a month ago!! And she still hasn't done anything. We could so use some TAX return $$ these days!! What would happen to my cozy little fridge, if we don't have enough money to pay for the electricity!!

So more Vandal Hearts storyboards for now ...

Alina just realized she has to make some sort of a name tag for her feature artist wall at the Hive Gallery. Most artist usually paint their name on the wall, but since the girl has some of the ugliest hand writing I have ever seen ... I told her, she better not write on the wall. Not like there is an UNDO button, if she messed up!! So we make a poster for the wall instead!! I didn't paint this poster, but I come up with the idea and art directed the process.
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