No new painting just yet ... still cooking up new ideas for painting. Plus tax season ... YIKE!! Have to take care of that too. LOL So just post more boards from Vandal Heart. I didn't mention before, these boards are for motion comic.

Top is the new final script. Bottom is the same scene, but based on a earlier rough script. All storyboards are copyrighted by studios.

I am kind of backward with creating my painting ... LOL After I painted the Traveler, that's the second to the last post. I decide to make a "prequel" to that painting for my small wall March show at Hive Gallery. This is a smaller piece, only 8" x 10." The last one is 11 x 14 inch.

Like it's "sequel" ... before putting the painting into frame. I decorated the paintings with gems as well.

I have been cooking up a lot of new ideas lately. While some ideas work, some just didn't make the cut ... here are some ideas that get "VETO!!*!! LOL

These storyboards are for Vandal Heart Cinematic. I did these at Technicolor ... that's when their animation division was still in business or should I say, in business in US. Now they out source EVERYTHING to India. Everyone in the US lost our jobs *sigh* ... that's after they make us trained and establish the team oversea.

Hive Gallery is going to have a special exhibition with their feature artists of 2009 and 2010. We are supposed to make a painting of our own Avatar in the fantasy world of Hive. I believe the avatar should have some kind of super power ... so anyhow, here is my take of my own Hive Avatar. HE! HE!! Err ... I am the one with the bird mask ... I guess my power would be some kind of traveling ability ...

This version is slightly touched up for the Hive Art Book.

No quite a painting ...

This is a illo for Girls Drawn Girls' new book. The theme is "Dessert" + "Pin up," and I am assigned to do Jello. Top is slightly touch up in Photoshop for printing; Bottom is the original in watercolor. Few people have been asking me how big are my watercolor paintings ... usually I paint 11"x14" these days. This one and the last 2 are all 11"x14".

A idea which I have been playing around for a while ... and at last ... this one is the final version.

I am trying to create a new set of paintings for my solo small wall show at Hive Gallery in March. I am not going to throw away the paintings I did earlier ... those may save for the monthly show there later.

Trying new themes ... and trying new technique as well ... below are sketches, failure ...

BTW, a new Production Design section is added to my portfolio web-site.
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