More paintings from Saturday Bill Perkins' painting workshop. The weather is beautiful that day, it's a lot of fun and take my mind off job hunting and worry for a bit!! ^_____^ And the bottom are 2 FLASH illos for Global Wonders. The flash illos are copyrighted by the studios.

I just up-dated my on-line portfolio for seeking new career adventure, please come by and check it out!!

I sign up for the Infectious site!! Please stop by and vote for my illo!

Kind of busy lately ... been a bit slow with posting drawings. These zoo drawings are from last week.

And the bottom piece is another Global Wonders Flash illo, copyrighted by the studios. Oooh I have a new new radio Podcast with AM 1430 on-line!! This time I talk about my funny work experience in the Game Industry.

Autumn!! Time for new new Avatar!

Top two below are B-day card I made for my friend, and the bottom piece is another FLASH illo for Global Wonders. Global Wonders illo is copyrighted by the studios.

Top 2 are painted at Descanso Garden. Bottom piece is another Flash illo for Global Wonders. This illustration is copyrighted by the studios.

I submit L'Amour to the Infectious site!! Please stop by and vote for my illo!

Here is the painting of the sketch from the previous post. Below are more old work stuffs. Top is a Flash illo for Global Wonders and bottom is a rough concept for Narnia DVD design. Both artworks are copyrighted by the studios.

BTW, I updated my Film Blog with my animation work from Ben 10.

Fallen leaves flying around, weather start getting cold ... time to cook up new ideas for the season.

Found an old Toy Story illo, I did for the DVD a long time ago in my hard drive. LOL This illustration is copyrighted by the studios.

Been very busy lately ... every year I like to make an illustration to celebrate my favorite Chinese holiday - the Mid-Autumn Festival or AKA the Moon Festival ... but been a bit crazy lately, so didn't get the chance to make an illo during the day of the holiday. It was last Saturday. I did find time to buy a box of moon cake though!! Once per year, can't miss that!! HA! HA!! Anyhow, I finally get a bit time to doodles two quick sketches during break time for the festival ... well ...

Went to Marching Thru History at Chino today!! It's a lot of fun!! Take lot of pictures ... only get to draw one though. LOL Feeling a bit lazy!!

Tidy up my hard drive and found some old storyboards I did at work ... the bottom two are concept ideas for Narnia Prince Caspian DVD. The top one is DVD interface concept board for the original Operation Valkyrie film.

The storyboards are copyrighted by the studios.

BTW, I updated my Film Blog with my animation work from Gears of War and Hulk.

Lost internet at home for a few days, finally the cable company fixed it!! WOO HOOO!! Nice to back on-line ... oooh!! Here is a new painting, sort of fit the IF theme!! Hummm ... not sure I like a germ that big ... >.< Below are ideas sketches ...
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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