My bathroom sink has been having some drainage problem since this past Friday. On Friday, the draining isn't good, but it still drain ... but then it get worst, on Sat, it doesn't really drain ... instead, dirty water back flow into my sink, even when I am not using it. But it was not too bad ... after a while it clear up ... but then thing get worst on Sunday and today ... let's say, I have been spending last night and today ... cleaning my bathroom floor with antibacterial ... Err ... make that the whole bathroom ...

Anyhow ... it get so gross and ridiculous ... it gets kind of funny ... now that all is fixed ... I can laugh at the mess ... OK!! Back to do some final clean up for good!!

Below is a computer monkey ...

I spend my lunch time sleeping, wake up hungry. Then I decide to go to one of my favorite bakery to get a ham & cheese croissant. But the road to the bakery is blocked. So I decide to go to my favorite cafe to get a ham and cheese croissant. I was very exciting when I found the cafe has one last croissant!!

But there is no one in the cafe!! The owners of the cafe is not there!! So I have to go to a third bakery to get a croissant ... but they don't have ham and cheese croissant ...

We went to the Grand Central Public Market and the Bradbury building at downtown LA for sketchcrawl.

Below are photo of the LA sketchgroup at the staircase of the Bradbury building! And the bottom piece is a crayon drawing on the wall of the Nucleus Gallery at the Terrible Yellow Eyes show. It's great to meet other talented artists and see their original paintings.

Have a wonderful sketchcrawl today!! Here are some of the sketches, will post more in the next posting.

This painting is for the upcoming Hive Gallery Tarot card theme show. Below are brainstorming sketches for this painting ...

Hi everyone,

I would love to invite you to one of my up-coming group show -

"Terrible Yellow Eyes" at Nucleus Gallery.

Please come and join us at

the opening reception party. This exhibit is the selected physical

gallery show of the online collection of artwork inspired by the

beloved classic "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.

The second episode of my radio show with KMRB 1430 is on-line at my Podcast web-site. If you like cantonese radio show, please come by check it out.

This post-it drawing is a little contribution to Aaron Hartline's Daily Post-it Blog.

One reason I never have my ears piecing ...

We have a figure drawing section at the Girls Drawn Girls closing reception party, here are the sketches I did on the evening.

BTW, for all of you who love animation and would like to join the fun!!

Check this out!! Creative Talent Network in Association with the City of Burbank to Create "Animation Week" For more information, please check the official web-site of CTN Animation Expo.
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