Starting on Minty's Travelogue Chapter 3 ...

Finish this painting today, below are the sketches of the paintings.

My little contribution for Purrcasso 2009 - hopefully this will help out some kitties and doggies.

Pascal introduces me to this fun blog Chicken Nugget Lemon Today. I pick Gracie's (age 8) Teddy Pear and make my version of it.

This comic sort of fit this week IF theme. LOL Caution healthy eaters ... LOL Donuts are GOOOOD for you. >.< *Evil me!*

These are some paintings brain-storming sketches.

Hi everyone,

I am part of 2 exciting gallery group shows, and would love to invite you to the reception party of both events!

"Oh, The Art You Will See!" group show (Dr.

Making a graphic novel is much more work then I expected!! LOL The story seems to get longer and longer everyday, and I am still on Chapter 2 after a month!! YIKE!! OK!! Better get back to draw some more ...

Hi everyone,

I would love to invite you to the reception parties of my up-coming

group show at the Meltdown Comic Gallery.

Opening reception: Saturday, August 15th 8pm- 11pm

Closing reception: Sunday, August 30th 7pm- 9pm

On View August 15th through August 30th 2009

The gallery is located at 7522 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90046.

"Tickle! TIckle! Tickle!!"Ice-Cream Monster Galleria has had many new updated!! Please come and check it out!! Also I have a PodCast now!! Here is the link to my PodCast.

BTW, everyone just wanted to let you know about a cool discount the people over at Fuel for Art are giving us for a limited time only.

So excited! My first radio show will be broadcast on Aug 7 Friday, 7PM-8PM @ KMRB 1430 AM. KMRB 1430 is a popular Chinese Public Radio station in Los Angeles. They broadcast a diverse variety of shows 24/7. I have a lot of fun making this one. I hope this would be the first of many to come ... If you follow cantonese radio show, hope you will enjoy this one as well! ^______^

Below are more paintings from the weekends.

More paintings from Bill Perkins' workshop.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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