Top comic is celebrated the birth of Shiny Pear!!

The top two postings are for the SFG Blank Book Project. SFG Blank Book is a sketchbook that was sent from Washington DC to 50 illustrators around the world. It's a fun project. The book arrived at my place last week and here is my contribution in the sketchbook ... now it's on the way to the next artist!! Lucky sketchbook get to travel all over the world!!

Below are another painting from Nathan Fowkes' painting workshop on Sat. This week has been a crazy ...

I was in Nathan Fowkes' color class on Saturday. Learn a lot in class. Anyhow I try to play with the exercise I did in class and touch it up in photoshop ... for fun.

Top is with Photoshop touch up; middle is the original watercolor; bottom is a quick animal drawings!

Honest ... I'm not even hungry when I draw this. In fact, I just have a huge bowl of tasty soup for lunch ...

Still scratching my head for painting ideas ... I think I have at least 3 paintings need to be done before the end of this month. These are some silly ideas I cook up so far ... I try to come up with something more "sensible" and "profound" ... but my brain can't help cooking up all these weird ideas.

I think the squid need some seasoning ... humm ...

I hear zebras making sound for the first time. It's funny, I have been visiting the zoo for years, never hear the zebras make any noise before. Anyhow, they didn't sound like a horse or what you expect a "horse" looking animal would sound like. They sound like a LION!! So weird.
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