HE! HE!! Still not quite recover from vacation ... mentally I am still feeling lazy ... and I get a sore throat ...

Just get back in town from Maui tonight!! I have a great time. I meet tinteresting people with wonderful stories to share, and I have some sillies of my own as well. This trip will be the very first Minty Travelogue Graphic Novel ... will post the work-in-progress stories along the way, when I am working on it ...

Last post before I go on vacation ... HE! HE!! Happy Memorial Day!!

Top piece is "Harmony"; Bottom right is "Tranquility"; and the rest are from the zoo ...

Here is my contribution to Terrible Yellow Eyes. I have a lot of fun making this painting. Like many, Where the Wild Things Are is one of my favorite children book.

Top is the final version with subtle Photoshop touch up; below is the original watercolor painting. Size 11 x 17 inch.

Went to Glendale Forest Lawn to see Marc Davis' exhibition this weekends. It's AWESOME!! I was hoping they will sell the print of his paintings, but unfortunately they don't have any print nor postcard. These are sculptures I drew at the museum ... not Davis' works.

Bottom pages are brainstorming doodles for a painting I was working on over the weekends ...

Top two are zoo drawings of the day;bottom is an color concept test for a commission illustration I did a while ago. Have a GREAT weekends!!

If you are in the neighborhood, don't miss The Art of Marc Davis Exhibition at Forest Lawn Glendale Museum. 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - 5/8/2009 - 7/26/2009. I saw a few Marc Davis' fine art paintings a few years ago, it's very different from the work he did at Disney.

Draw these while hanging out with friends over lunch and dinner.

Start crunch time this week ... Brr ... manage to sneak in a few quickie today, in-between rendering and playblast ...

Gino Orlandi just published a new e-book - How to Sell Art Online, Fuel for Art. The book is about how to develop your identity as an artist and become adept at online networking and marketing. You can learn more about this book at http://www.fuelforart.com.

Time fly!!! Today is school final!! YEAH!! End of an exciting school year, always rewarding to see how much the students progress over a year. They grow so much.

Anyhow ... I can't believe how fast time fly ... when I showed Little Mermaid in class last week. One of the kids told me, "Oh GREAT!! I never see Little Mermaid!! Always want to see that movie ..." OK ...
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