These are some more quick visual development sketches for the graphic novel I am working on right now ...

Been very busy haven't gone to the zoo for a long while, finally get to go to the zoo again ... Below are more quickly painting studies ...

More color studies and concept sketches ... I am hoping to make a graphic novel during my up-coming vacation, so have been trying different kind of painting styles. The graphic novel will be a travelogue - since it will be a small book, I don't want to reveal too much about the book. HA! HA!! Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun to read. The trip is only a week, it will cover stories related to the trip.

2 pages of left over comic from the bad work day!! LOL The rest of the week, since the bad day is actually better. But still fun to post these ... lately I have been working on more MOCAP animation ... on a BAD animation day, when the MOCAP is fighting with the key frames, and when I am tired, hand hurt, eyes hurt ... it feels almost impossible to get everything done on time with the desire result.

Draw these "sad" Minty comic in respond to a crappy day at work ... one of those days, too much work too little time ... skip lunch, no break and stay very late at work. Feel really grumpy that day ...

Bottom set are more paintings from Nathan Fowkes' painting workshop at LAAFA.

Left is the original scan; right is touch up in photoshop. I am going to do more sketches with this new technique and try to figure out how to get the color working better ...

This is for my best friend, Amy's baby shower. Somehow strangely the content sort of fit the IF theme. HE! HE!! HE!!!! Below are the rough idea sketches ...

I take Nathan Fowkes's Composition workshop at LAAFA today. Always love Nathan's watercolor painting style and want to learn from him ... he handles watercolor like oil and have an different texture and richness then the traditional watercolor style. Try his approach today in class ... still not quite use to this new technique ... need to practice more. My color get kind of dark and muddy, I run a test in Photoshop (right set) ... that's the kind of color I want ... anyhow ... it's late.

This Easter piece is sort of an style experimentation for my comic book ideas. Bottom is another piece of Line Rider concept art. Line Rider artworks is copyrighted by the studio.
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