Been a crazy week!! But finally get to make a little Minty Comic! WOO HOO!! And YES!! MY co-workers are EVIL!! 2 people pick on little me!! Sooooo sad!!

To be continue ...

I was hoping to make a silly diary comic today, but still have a lot work piles up need to get done before the end of the day ...

I just finish this painting ... trying different subject matter. This is a continue experiment with my other painting "Back Stage." Original title of this piece is "Cello Fantasie," but the concept is inspired by the Greek mythology "Pygmalion" ... so I decide to stay with the name of the original inspiration. The top set - right is the base painting; left is the final version with animation cell on top.

Top are two sketches inspired by sceneries I saw while driving to Big Bear and back home. Below is a silly comic about a day at work ...

The very top and bottom are drawn from memory I see along the road ... the middle chunks are on-location drawings ... sometimes painting in the snow isn't as romantic as it sounds ... when the wind was cold ... it's not as fun. I sketch these real quick and run back hide in the car.

Get together with a group of wonderful friends, drawings and chatting ...

Eating a tasty meal, watching movie at my desk ... when it's cold and rainy outside ... feeling warm and toasty ...

Go to the zoo and sketch with pals during lunch hour ... These are very simple everyday routine ... sort of ...

Draw a brunch of sketches this week ...

Every store fronts, decoration on the street, even the TV commericals are flooded with pink and red Valentine Day commericals and merchandises ... can't help not to join in the fun and post some related theme.

Pink is one of my favorite colors ... but have to say, so many stuffs is cover to pink and red these days ... I feel like we need other sort of color to balance out.

Plus Valentine Day is sort of like watching a Avant-garde film. It's not exactly for everybody.

More Anime fun!! Top left is touch up in Photoshop; right is the original. Bottom are more doodles and a nap time sketch.
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