Work is a bit light yesterday, so been taking longer lunch and doodling ... trying different painting approach at the desk. The experiments doesn't turn out the way I expected ... actually I am not too excited with the out come of most of these sketches. But it's still fun, it's cool to figure out what's not working, as well as what's work.

I make another painting of my co-worker ... too bad the lighting indoor never change ... otherwise I can make a series of light and color study ...

Top is drawn, while having a quicky picnic during luncheon hour near the Los Angeles Equestrian Center ... HE! HE!! Fresh air, food and sketch help to clear up the mind on a stressful day!! Middle piece is a break time sketch of my co-worker, who eat a lot of vegetable and fruits ... and bottom is a sketch in a tea cafe ... except it's not very complete ... as soon as the food arrive.

Been very busy lately ... one deadline after another ... Think going to sleep early ... kind of feel a bit toasted.

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Dear all,

I would love to invite you to the LA Myth 2009 Gallery Opening, which I have the pleasure to be one of the participants. The exhibition showcases many wonderful artists throughout the animation and entertainment industry.

LA MYTH 2009

Opening night is February 7th from 7 to 12pm

The show runs from February 7th to 21th 2009.

HAPPY Friday and a great weekends!

Top is a set of color studies for a painting. Below are zoo drawings from this past week. Going to turn into pumpkin early ... feel a bit funny ... I think some cold germs is trying visit me.

This is another painting for a show, trying different style and subject matter. Below are the sketches and some other brainstormign sketches.

Adelaida kindly give me a blog award. Thank you Adelaida! And here are the rules:

1. Put the award logo on your blog

2. Tell who has nominated you

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Give links to that blogs


Top is a painting for an arts show. Below are more idea sketches ... most of these are either abandon or evolve into somethings very different ... or may sit around for a little longer ... think ... think ... think ...

Below is a painting work in progress I am working with right now.

Left is a little 2 x 2 inch sketch I did last night, to put in a mini magnet wooden picture frame I bough from Yosemite. One of my resolution this year ... HE! HE!! Go up to the mountains snowshoeing before all the snow melted ... But the weather has been a bit too warm lately. in fact, it's rather hot during the day!! DARN IT!! Not good for snow ... Hummm ... Rain please!! RAIN!!!

Below are zoo sketches I did today and the chimp I drew on Monday.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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