A group of my friends and I are having a gallery show this up-coming weekends. If you are around, please stop by the Gallery Opening Reception of FRUiTS Go Go!!

@ Monkeyhouse Toys and Art Gallery

1618 1/2 Silver Lake Blvd., LA 90026

323 - 662-3437

Opening Reception: Sat, Aug 2, 4-8 pm

If you can't make it to the opening, the show will be around between Aug 2 - 17. Please come by visit, it's a fun show featuring new works by a group of wonderful artists. This is my first gallery experience in LA, two of my paintings will be in the show.

Back from Comic Con, I have a lot of fun!! The best is meeting all the talented artists and chat with everyone. YAY!! Anyhow, here is a little story about a question, which many people ask me at the Con.

Very sleepy ... exhausted from a busy week ...

Top zoo and Costco drawing; below are some quickly Coach bag designs I did last night, while chatting on the phone ... actually ... it's conference call with the out source studios ... These are for an on-line Coach bag design competition thingie ... I would like to do something more original and fun. But lately feel really burn out, so just randomly try out some ideas in the computer ...

I am hoping to get some comp days ... at least a day or two after I finish up the current project.

Three of my friends, have their birthday this past weekends!! Can never have enough birthday parties!! Yummy food, good company, lots of fun stories to catch up!! Good time!! One of them never been to Hollywood Bowl, so we went to the Bowl to see the Julie Andrews concert. It's fun!

I want to thank a few blogger friends for the "Brilliante WeBlog Award." Sorry, I have been super busy lately, and haven't been able to respond sooner.

Been feeling tired easily lately, but when it's time to sleep ... I keep getting weird dreams, reminding me of stuffs I need to do ... sigh!! It's like I try to set the brain to "Sleep" mood, but it keeps processing data ... kind of annoying ...

Car wash waiting drawing, and my childhood story of watching Totoro for the first time ... and I don't like it!! *SHOCKING!!* But it's one of those movies, it is so beautiful, profound and time lasting, it grows on me as I get older. Now it's one of my faorite Miyazaki films. I almost forget about my Totoro story, until recently when I work on the Totoro Forest Project painting ...

WOO HOO!! Finally I create a Arts Print Store at Deviant Art. You will find a new button in the link section on the right for the New Print Store!

Top is for IF. And below is two pages of brain storming doodles from my sketchbook.

YAY!! Finally I can talk about a secret project, which I am part of.

The "Totoro Forest Project" - The project is an international charity effort to save Sayama forest in Japan - it's the same forest inspired the beloved Studio Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro. The project is organized by DiceTsutsumi.

These are concept sketches of a little side project, I am working on right now for a friend.

These are B-Day card & book concept sketches ...
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