YAY!! I just create a Print Store at DeviantART - Here is the link:


Please visit it!!

Been super crazy lately, didn't get around to paint much ... every little min and sec I have, I just doodle random ideas. Hopefully one of these days, I will get around paint something.

I saw a girl at Costco carrying a tall pile of smoothies for her family ...

SketchCrawl Drama!! I get stung by a bee-ish bug during SketchCrawl ... Since I am still alive and well 2days after the attack, guess I am not allergic to bee or whatever bug that try to EAT me!! WOO HOO!!

Middle and bottom two are more painting idea brainstorming doodles.

We went to Eaton Canyon for Sketchcrawl, beautiful weather, but very very HOT!!!

Top is B-day card for a dear friend; bottom two are more idea sketches.

YAY!! One painting done ... couple more to go. This is the finish version of the sketch from my previous posting. Since I submit the sketch to IF this week, this will be submitted to IF also. Below are Spyro Eternal darkness storyboards.

The top set are early version of the scene. Bottom is the final production version. All Spyro artworks are copyrighted by the studios.

Been busy with work, and try to submit paintings to gallery shows. These are a bunch of painting ideas ... really rough and silly. Most of these are rejected ideas, one or two I further develop into something more later on. I will slowly post more sketches and eventually the final paintings a long the way.

Top left sketch would be a fun one for this week IF theme. Sorry didn't get to make unique illo for IF. A bit overwhelm with OT at work and couple deadlines lately.

Finally make a new new Avatar for the summer!! WOO HOO!! The rest are more in-between play blast doodles, and elepant drawing from the zoo.

More idea brainstorming sketches and zoo drawings ...
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Minty's pet
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