Err ... cook up with this weird idea with the IF theme - "A Wrinkle in Time" Cool book ... this idea is more inspired by the Sting Theory/the M Theory ... though of course it's no where near what the theory is about ... OK!! I need sleep ... start talking silly. HA ! HA !!

More zoo drawings and another page of old concept arts. Concept arts copyrighted by studios.

Top is a random doodle; middle sketch is from the zoo; and the bottom piece are old concept sketches for a TV show, which never get make. Concept sketch is copyrighted by the studio.

Top doodle is actually for a blogger TAG ... from a long while ago. I didn't get around doing it, until recently ... It's so long ago, I can't even remember what's the TAG about, except it's something do to with Peace ... Hummm ... Middle is a get-well "card" for couple of friends, who get the flu or food poison a while ago. I know it's lame to use the same get-well drawing for different people ... but it will have to do, when many people you know get sick ...

B-day card, doodle and animals sketches ...

To me, drawing is one of the most primitive form of creative outlets to release one's imagination ... it's fun, it's inexpensive and you can do it any where any time ... actually ... I believe it also one of the most primitive form of "language" ... for human to record stories ... even before the invention of proper languages and words ...

These are drawings from the LA Zoo.

Top is combo of sketch drawn at the Descanso Garden and an character design brainstorm doodle; middle pages are from the drawing section at few week back; and the very bottom set are old concept sketch for the studio.

The concept art is copyrighted by the studios.

My friend send me an article, which worry me about the future of the copyrighted of our own creativity as an artist:

Mind Your Business: You Will Lose All The Rights to Your Own Art

Mark Simon is mad as hell and, in this month's "Mind Your Business," he tells you why you should be too.

As it is, artists have to work really hard to get our works recognized, pay the bill and stay competitive. Can't imagine if we could lose the right to all our creations ...

Been very very busy lately, beside the day job and teaching ... I am working on little projects on the side. It gets tricky after a while, working on personal stuffs after work. I try to start a painting last night, but so tired ... looking at the sketch, trying to paint, but it doesn't feel right. Have to start the whole thing again ... DARN IT!! Too bad there is no undo button on paper!! Ooopss ... Instead, I end up scribble a "Fail" doodle for IF to express my frustration.

Top are animals sketch from the zoo; below are very old concept arts I did for Sony PSP Game, the Con. Come across these drawings when I cleaning up the shelf the other days.

Concept Arts copyrighted by the studios.

I draw this and stick on my co-worker's cubical wall ... a evil idea to tempt people to eat cream puff.
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