GDC - Game Developers Conference 2008: February 18-22, 2008 San Francisco, just wrap up yesterday. I didn't get to go, but I make a party invitation flyer for the studio. Left is the illo. Below are two new pages from my sketch book.

Top is a style test for a "Wanted" related project. Concept Arts copyrighted by the studios. Below is pages of idea doodles.

IF "Choose" - story idea inspired by AIDA ... as for the arts style is inspired by Henry Moore and Rodin.

Top: Doodle of the day. AHHH!! I CAN"T BELIEVE I AM OUT OF BLUE PENCIL!! How can an animator out of blue pencils?! I am doing great sketching away concept idea too!! This is a side effect of being a CG animator too long, one forget to check the traditional animation supply!! So unhappy, no more blue pencils ... and run out of red pencil too. DARN IT!! GRRR ...

Top set is from the China trip; both left is a recent self portrait and right is a poor portrait of my friend :P

IF - "Blanket"

These are the production storyboard which I developed for the last scene of Spyro - Eternal Darkness cinematic.

Top set are the final production board; below is an version based on early development script.

The animation clips of Spyro - Eternal Darkness cinematic can be found at: Ice-cream Monster Cinema Blog All Spyro artworks copyrighted by the studios.
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