Top are the last IKEA sketch of the year, and my door ... Bottom most likely is the last set of Minty comic of the year ... and the very bottom is myself as a unicorn ... Err ... a funky unicorn. It's a drawing game we play amount a group of artists pal ... we are supposed to draw ourselves as a unicorn ... Never imagine how I would look as an unicorn ... doodle this one here. Not too happy with my unicorn look ... may cook up somethings more "appealing" later ... Hummm ...

Thank you everyone for your visit and constant encouragement.

Have been brainstorming next painting ideas ... here are couple of the sketches inspired by music and nature.

TAG Post for 7 things about myself:

- I can't snowboard to save my life ... actually I roll down the mountain like a giant snow ball in the cartoon ...

- I never make snow angel before, promise myself to try that this winter to get it out of my system LOL

- I never see big giant snow falling from sky before ...

Top is the final version of the Peppermint Mocha painting ... below are all the sketches. One thing I learn from this painting after I finish it ... I realize I never understand snow very well ... beside very limited traveling experience in winter, I never experience REAL snow situation.

I have been staring at the painting for days when it's almost done ... wondering what's missing, and why doesn't feel cold ... Then it clicks me!! Wait a second, I never experience a snowy white winter before.

Plants and woodland are few of the things that could be rambunctious, and yet give people the feel of tranquil at the same time.

WOO HOOO!! It's snowing at the mountain today, can't wait for the weekends.

This top illo is a drawing game I am playing with Pascal. I try to continue the story moment in his illo.

This is inspired by a silly joke among my pals. We called ourselve - "Ice-Cream Angels." We kick butt and fight crime ... LOL

I may need to do some explaining here. We are very good pals at work, but we like to play prank to each other. We all have different mischief style ... The girl with a gun is very good at shooting nerf darts and throwing paper balls at people! The girl with a cyber glasses, she is the smart bunny. She can make everyone jump by saying somethings clever and wicked ...

The zoo keeper told us that female rein deers look exactly the same as the male, except they are 2 times smaller. These are female deers, and yes, they have antlers just like the male.

Since these female deers at the zoo don't live with any male deer, they kind of develop a strange social structure. The females will fight between each other and establish an alpha role ... which isn't a normal behavior in nature. Interesting story!!

These are from the LA zoo drawing outing.

Top two pages are from the Julian trip. Below are Costco and zoo luncheon sketch.

December is an exciting month, first there is Christmas - my favorite holiday, and this month there are 3 shows in LA and Japan, which I am part of. I just up-date the main page and gallery section in my web-site with the shows info. If you are in the area, please come to visit the galleries.

Top is inspired by the drive at the beautiful Rim of the World Scenic Byway. Below are on location sketches during the trip and a memory sketch of the sunset at the San Bernardino Mountains on the way home.
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