Thank you everyone for your constant support and visit. Many people have been asking me to publish an illustration collection book, and here it is - titled "Paper Sonnet." This book compiles of my illustration artworks in the past two years. Hope you will enjoy it. The book is available on-line at:

This most likely will be my last posting for a while, cause I am moving to a new place. I will be back on-line and post more new sketches and artworks as soon as I am settle down and have the internet hook up.

I am going to move housing soon, been very overwhelmingly busy with packing. Thank you everyone for come by visit my blog and write me kind comments. I afraid this will be my second to the last post for a while ... but I promise the last post before I temporary put the blog on hold will be a SUPER COOL one!!

These are more motion graphic board I did for the studio. Artworks copyrighted by the studio.

Artworks copyrighted by the studios.

Been very busy with work and preparing for moving lately, doesn't get to draw much and blogging. These two are latest pages from my sketchbook. Top is a sketch study of Tiepolo; bottom is the view of LA from the Angeles National Forest from memory.

These two are motion graphic concept board, which I did 2 years ago for the studio. The footage is sort of like the THX flying logo sequence to put in the begining of movies. The opening of these two is slightly different, but overall it's one same idea. Artworks copyrighted by the studio.

These character designs are from an old studio project, which we never get around to production. These are some quicky design idea brainstorm sketches. Artworks copyrighted by the studios.

My first Chavan clay model ... still a lot to learn how to use this clay properly ...Kind of mess up this first time round and burn my finger ... HE!! HE!! Fun though! Below is a sketch from our company picnic.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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