From top: a corner of a friend's garden from memory ... middle is a doodle of my co-workers eating lunch ...

Bottom piece ... Err ... is a bit mess up ... I found an old photoshop file with a few sketchy lines on it, can't remember what I was trying to draw when the file first created ... so while I am bored, I start fill in the blank, connecting lines and dots, and somehow it turns out to be THIS?! I don't know what I am doing for the most part ... to be honest, for the entire part ... I drop in an image capture of my desktop with whatever software windows up at the time and use that in the background, cause I don't know what to do with the BG ...

Have my annual dose of Piglet racing at the County Fair two weeks ago. HE !! HE!! These piglets in the drawing are barely 2 weeks old ... super ADORABLE ... I stare at them for over 3 hours without noticing the time. Seriously, little pig makes really cute pet!! Bottom is the last page from the Sequoia Forest camping trip.

Too much to juggle too little time ... cross my fingers everything will work out ...

Last set of Spyro 2006 storyboard. Artworks copyrighted by studios.

Been super busy lately, it's getting harder to sneak in a few seconds to draw and scribble for fun. I miss out the IF theme last week. For one I feel very burn out, and mentally exhausted. I went to the LA County Fair last weekends to relax and have some fun. I also when to see "A Tapestry of Life:

The World of Millard Sheets" exhibition at the fair. It's very inspiring to see a well travel artist's perspective of the world; stories of the people he encounted in his journey ...

These pages of comic conclude the Virginia trip travel journal! Have a great weekends!

These are another set of concept arts from the same project from my earlier post. Artworks copyrighted by the studios.

These are sketches from Jamestown settlement. The Settlement was one of the first English settlements in North America. Named for King James I of England, Jamestown was founded in the Virginia Colony on May 14, 1607.

Top left is a drawing of a Native American girl and John Smith statues; top right is Susan Constant. The largest of three ships of the English Virginia Company that were led by Captain Christopher Newport on the 1607 voyage that resulted in the founding of the settlement.

Continue Virginia travel journal - Yorktown was named for York, a city in Northern England, and was founded in 1691 as a port for shipping tobacco to Europe. It was the base of British General Charles Cornwallis during the 1781 siege of Yorktown, the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War.

More new projects just arrive, start getting busy again, even before I get to rest ... *sigh* Oh well .... at least the new project is going to be a fun one. Haven't got the chance to digitize sketchbook pages ... so more older work related concept arts ...

This set is for another production, which we didn't get to make it. Artworks copyrighted by studios.

More sillies and sketch from the Sequoia camping trip! One of our[ buddies is a great camp fire cook. Luck us!! We all have BBQ steak for dinner, while another friend of ours used to be a bar tender, and he mixed some delicious fresh fruit Vodka thingie to go with the dinner. HE! HE!! HE!!

Gourmet food + liquor ... after a cup or two refilled ... Err ... some people get a little bit silly. HE ! HE!! No one did anything too crazy, mostly they just sing, dance and laugh at practically anything ..
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