Top is personalities at the Nisei Parade; below are from the weekends camping trip at Sequoia Forest.

Top painting copyrighted by the studios.

Top is a digital concept art thumbnail doodle I did for an animation project, which never get produced; bottom are two pages of waiting for playblast doodles.

I first learn about Ramune is from watching RahXephon on cable. I thought it's just a cool concept in Sci-fi show. But I accidentally found this codd bottle drink at the super market in Little Tokoyo!! I don't know about what's a codd bottle then.

Have a great weekends everyone!

A group of my friends and I are going on a little camping trip this up-coming weekends at the Redwood forest. This will be my first outdoor camping ever ... being a 200% city girl, I'm quite clueless of nature survival skills ... I keep telling my pals that it would be fun to meet a black bear or any kind of bear, ie. invite a bear to join our camp fire party ... you know try to be friendly with fellow neighbouring campers etc..

Well ...

Top is a Giant ballon sculpture at the KidSpace Museum; below are two drawings from the Tofu festival! The Tofu Festival is part of the Nisei Week celebration. This is an annual festival celebrating Japanese American (JA) culture and history in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. Nisei means 2nd generation in Japanese, describing the first American born Japanese. Though named for the Nisei generation, Nisei Week is no longer targeted at Niseis, nor is the festival still contained within a week.

Playing with new origami paper and style ...

This is a very very old drawing ... I found in my hard drive ... can't even remember when I drew this exactly ... most likely some 5 - 6 years old.

Oooh, I saw the COOLEST parade float at the Tofu Festival!! This image totally fits the IF Captain theme too. This float is gigantic, which is hand pushed by many people wearing colorful kimono. The scenery is breathtaking!!

YAY!! NEW NEW profile image!! Kind of get a few shade darker over the summer running around, swimming and getting into various mischieft outings and adventures ... hair grows longer ... etc.. so figure it's about time to up-date my silly image.

Top is drawn at the KidSpace Museum. Below are two nap time scribbles ...

Bottom two are drawn at the KidSpace Museum, and the top piece is a drawing of my friend Paintmonster Marty, while he was trying to eat a giant BBQ turkey leg.
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