When I was a little kid, there was a story about moon fishing ... which now I can't quite remember the detail or where I read or learn about it. I only rememer something to do with fishing the moon ... this illo is inspired by this long forgotten story. Most likely my illo is nothing close to what the story is about ... but nevertheless, the mere idea of fishing the moon is a romantic and magical idea. Just wondering ... does anyone happen to know about a tale about "Moon Fishing"?

Below is a set of storyboard from Spyro 2006 production.

Storyboard is copyrighted by the studio.

Have to work on Saturday throughout August, can't go to Comic Con on Sat ... a little bit disappointed, since I was looking forward to join the Drawing Session on Sat night. Well ... will have to wait till next year then. I will visit the Con on Sunday, and give out pretty postcard. If you happen to see me, drop by say "Hi!!"

Below are two weekends outing sketches, left is from San Clemente Beach and right is at Starbuck. May not be able to make outing sketches for a little bit while ...

After turning a few of my co-workers into bears, my office mates come up with a term for my evil bear caricatures drawing - they called it, "Bearicature"!! HA ! HA !! Those who haven't been turned into a bear, often ask me who will be my next victim. HEN!! HEN!! *Evil chuckle* As if I will tell them my plan ... Nope, not a chance, plus most of the time, I don't even know who will be next. It's like visiting the ice-cream shop, say I never know what ice-cream I want to get tomorrow afternoon ...

The left illo is another before nap time doodle, sort of inspired by some chinese mythical story, it kind of fits the "Poem" IF theme. Bottom right is another of illo of my co-worker!! HE !HE!!

I am going to Comic Con on Sat. If you happen to see a girl wearing Minty T-shirt walking around, most likely it's me, come by and say "Hi!" Would love to meet you talented people! Oooh ... and yes, I am still waiting for my Harry Potter Book 7 ... it's somewhere between Canada and California right now .

Left is a silly drawing of my friend, Amy as a pug ... HE ! HE!! HE!! Before I gave her the drawing, I used her iPhone to take a picture of the drawing and secertly change her iPhone wallpaper to this drawing of her as a pug. WA!! HA ! HA ! HA !! *Evil me* Though this wallpaper trick, isn't as evil as my other favourite trick - change the language display in people's iPod!! HA ! HA !!

Below is a before nap time sketch ... Zzzzz ...

Summer is always my favourite season. Ocean, long lazy holidays, ice-cream sun, fun movies ... even thought for years, 3 months summer holidays have been replaced with "crazy crunch time," a weekend chilling at the beach to decompress a week worth of stress is still good time! Top is from Marina Del Rey; Bottom two are from San Clemente Beach.

WOOO HOOO!! But my pre-order wouldn't arrive for another week or so ... DARN!! Oh well, still need to catch the movie ... HE!! HE!! Sketch this quicky right before sleep thinking about when's my book going to arrive ... HE ! HE!!

Top is a B-day card for my friend. Have a great weekends, and happy reading!!

There will be a special Los Angeles SketchCrawl section the weekend after Comic Con. Marty, the Paintmonster and his friends are visiting LA from Japan.

Top are drawn at the Lotus Festival; Bottom are drawn at a coffee shop in Playa Del Rey.

A B-day card for my friend's new born.

This left illo is inspired by a joke between my architect friend and myself. He was assigned to develope an inconspicuous lamp design to install in trees. He was a bit frustrated to with the idea of creating something, which is not supposed to be "seen." Long story short, we start to "brainstorm" silly ideas, with the intention to freaky out innocent passing by. I suggest to make the lamp look like an ungly bug sitting on a tree.

A simple innocent Sunday breakfast and coffee get together with friends turn out to be a FUN summer adventurous day!! Not long after sitting at the coffee shop for an hour, we get bored and decide to go sailing at the Marina. But when we arrive at the Sailing Club, all the boats are taken. So we decide to do kayaking instead ... I never kayak before, but figure rolling a boat can't be THAT hard, and if I get into any trouble, my pals will rescue me.
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