Think the Sci-Fi thingie sort of fit this week IF theme ...

HA ! HA !! Not really truth, it starts with a silly joke over lunch. My friends joke that it would be funny, if I start drawing them in bear form. Since the girl who cooks up the idea has a name rhyme with "Polar," so she becomes a polar bear in the drawing. HE! HE!! HE!! She hasn't seen this drawing yet, will give it to her first thing in the morning. Hummm ... I think I have a wicked idea for my next victim ...

I would like to thank Mike R Baker for awarding me the

Thinking Blogger Award, and take this opportunity to thank everyone who drops by visiting my blog.

As the Thinking Blogger Award receiver, I would like to share this special honor with another 5 bloggers.

More creatures doodles ... don't know why, lately many of my before sleep sketches are all weird creatures ... humm ....

Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar - in Gregorian calendar which is this past Monday. HE ! HE!! This is one of my favourite festivals, especially Zongzi - the special holiday food!!

The festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC-278 BC) of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government.

Top another weird sci-fi creature thingie; bottom left is a luncheon quicky and bottom right is a waiting for Maya playblast doodle. Feeling sleepy all day, hop on-line quickly to have some fun with the blog ... Better get busy again, before getting caught slacking ... ZZzzzzz ... sleeeepy ...

Another set of Spyro 2006 boards. The fun little fact about this board is that it's break into two section. If you look at the first page, after the opening of the story, it enters "Game Play", then it gets back to the story. Yet, both of these are all pre-rendered, not in-game cinematic.

Artworks copyrighted by the studios.

Doodle this left drawing during a long meeting at work ... HE ! HE!! Doodling help to prevent the brain drifting into "sleep" mood ... HE ! HE!! Usually I just let the pen glide on the paper and let the subconscious mind does whatever ... kind of like playing iTune in the background, while you are working on a project. HE ! HE!! Keep the job more fun!!

OH!! I went to Underwood Family Farm this weekends for farm picking!! It's a lot of fun! Below are drawings from the farm outing.

What makes it extra special, is that the Ryuku is visiting from Japan and join us at the session. We all have a great time.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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