Sketch the top drawing while waiting for the museum to open in the morning. These are supposed to be portion of a bridge and a carriage in the museum garden area. HE ! HE!! I was thinking to draw something for IF "Cars" ... before I did the other silly animal car thingie.

The other three drawings are more sketches from San Antonio - the blue piece is River Walk; the sepia ink drawing is another museum garder drawing; while the silly toon drawing is my lunch - all you can eat tasty Texas BBQ for $21!! Yummm ... I am so full, have to skip dinner that day.

The Alamo (formally: San Antonio de Valero Mission) used to be a mission and fortress compound in San Antonio, Texas, United States. The compound was was built by the Spanish Empire in the 18th century for the education of local Native Americans after their conversion to Christianity. In the 19th century, it was used as a fortress. This is also the location, where the famous 1836 battle held.

The very top and bottom are sketches drawn, while waiting at the airport in San Antonio and LAX.

Top left is a silly for this weeks "IF - Cars" theme; Top right is drawn at the airport; Bottom left is Market Square, San Antonio; Bottom right is drawn at the Buckhorn Saloon & Museum.

More Spyro (2006) storyboard - this is the scene when Spyro first meets Cynder; a really fun scene for boarding, cause it's full of suspend and action. The design of the environment was changed after the boarding stage. So the game version has a slightly different opening set up. But for the most part the action remains pretty close to the boards.

Artworks copyrighted by the studios.

This is a story of a nosy animator's behind the scene production story on God of War II. One of those days, when I feel a bit too curious for my own good ... join in my team mates discussion of Kratos's acting in one of the shots.

A little group has few different ideas, and I find it interesting and want to charm in my idea. Me being nosy, so I suggested to reduce Kratos' body movement, instead give him an more internal anger ...

Another set of weekends drawings: Top are from drawing session and Starbuck people watching.

Top left is from the lovely Venice Canal; Top right is a waiting for Maya doodle. Bottom are from the San Diego Cinco De Mayo Festival.

This time the LA SketchCrawl meet up at Santa Monica Pier. The weather is getting warmer now, nice and sunny, though the wind near the coast is still a bit chill. We have a great time, Alan from Canada joins the Crawl.

The bottom piece with a group of kid has a fun story. One of the fellow crawlers has been attracting little kids most of the morning. At one point, a group of children on a field trip, gather around his table eating pizza, and looking at him drawing.

This left illo is inspired by the scenery I saw on 101 freeway, while driving home from work. I drove home everyday on that freeway for two years, but never spot that Moorish style building. Tell the true, I am not even sure what style that building is, but that evening when the warmth glow of setting sun reflects on the roof top ... it makas a beautiful scenery.

Whatever it is, the scenery stuck in my head, and inspires this drawing.

Top left is from the Drawing Session over the weekends. Bottom pages are before sleep doodles. The page on the right is from memory of what I see from my window on the night when Griffith Park fire started. I live 45 mins away from the park, and able to see the damage from my apartment. It's really bad. But thanks goodness all is well now, I think they still block out the fire area. No one get hurt, and things are getting back to normal.
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