HE! HE!! Go to UCLA for the book festival, FUN DAY!! YAY!! And I get the tatto on my arm at the festival too!! HE! HE!! No worry, it's temporary. Bottom are sculptures from the Fowler Museum on campus ... Err ... the ship is not on a sculpture head, I am just being silly with the drawing.

Well sometimes drawing is safer then taking picture ... Err ... when I am too trigger happy ... I could get myself into trouble ... like ... climbing those cool rock along Pacific Coast - "Woooo ... AWESOME wave!!" Let's get a bit closer for a cool photo ... then before you know, a giant wave hit the rock "SPLASH"!!

Sculptures from Getty Center, the drawing on the right is a sculpture of one of my favourite writers, Alexandre Dumas.

These two piece are Hearst Castle sketches from the mini 2 x 2 inchs sketchbook.

These pages are drawn at Santa Ana Botanic Garden on the day they have the Peter Rabbit Book Festival. OK ... I confess ... I still like Peter Rabbit ... Err ... Winnie the Pooh and every other children picture books.

A quicky before sleep photoshop doodle for IF! HE ! HE!! Haven't doodled in Photoshop for a long time, almost forget how much fun it is!

Meet my office monkey friends!! Did I say "monkey" out loud?! HE ! HE!! HE!! OH Well ... I mean what could happen to me even if they read this. My everyday routine in the office already includes: attack by paper grenade, paper plane, foam darts etc ... Not to mention get hit on the head whenever some evil monkeys feel like it ...

Have a fun history lesson of California, while visiting the San Gabriel Mission today. Since 1493, the Kingdom of Spain maintained a number of missions throughout Mexico and portions of today's Southwestern United States in order to facilitate colonization of the new world. Yet, no until 1765, under the invasion threat of Tsarist Russia, Spain felt the necessity to secure the regions in Upper California, and thus the establishment of the series of California missions.

Err ... this just happen to me the night before ... end up I have to use the electric heater to dry my hair. Grr ... my best talent is fall a sleep anytime I want ... even after this explosive misadventure. HE ! HE!! Doodle these two funky pages right before nap time. Hummm ... as for why this for "IF" ... don't really know ... somehow my brain associates "Polar" with whit elephant ... weird?!

Below is a storyboard from Spyro New Begining (2006) cinematic.

Another photo of my drawing sets - with the Falcon fountain pen, Uni-ball black ink pen, Winsor Newton pocket set, and my little 2 x 2 inchs sketchbook. I don't normally draw this small. This sketchbook is a gift from my friend. I don't even know they make sketchbook this tiny. It's quite fun to draw in little scale, amazing how much you can squeeze in a little piece of paper. HE ! HE!! All these sceneries are drawn at Hearst Castle.

Humm ... I never know California has the richest flora of any state in the continental United States ... quite interesting ... something I learn over the weekends from visiting the Santa Ana Botanic Garden.

The garden is dedicated to conserve this incredible plant diversity. It houses a large collection of Manzanitas that flower from late November through early March.

Top left is a sculpture drawn at the Hearst Castle Musuem. Middle piece is a scupture fountain outside of the San louis obispo mission - another one of the CA missions, which established by Spanish Catholics of the Franciscan Order between 1769 and 1823 to spread the Christian doctrine among the local Native Americans. Visitng these old missions really help to understand the history of CA and even America in her early age.
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