My pals took me to the Angeles National Forest recently. This is the first time I visted the place. I have heard of lovely forests and natures around LA, but never quite believe it is possible to have beautiful natural sceneries in a busy city famous with crowded freeways and traffic jam. We only drive into the forest briefy that day, but little glimpse of the scenery make me very curious to discover more about the forests landscape around LA. I look up on-line about the Angeles Forest, it covers over 2,600 km² (650,000 acres) with 3 lakes and 16 different kinds of endangerous species. it's bigger then I expected ... It looks quite fun ... One of these days, I should try to explore all these natural landscape around LA ... Someone told me Santa Monica has some nice forest too ...

My origami addiction all started from lack of material for gift wrapping. A few days ago, when I am trying to make a nice little gift package for my friends, I realize I forget to get cool little decoration thingies to put on the gift bag. I stared at the little gift bag, and think it would be cute to have little animals or something that my friends can keep from the wrapping ... something like a Japanese origami crane would be a cute touch. plus it will match the Spring season perfectly.

I miss figure drawing very much, but have don't have time to attend any life drawing section, so I go visit Getty Center to draw sculptures on the weekends instead.

HE!! HE!! Another Orgami silly below!! Woooo ... "What's a pretty flower I spy?!" the baby elephant thought. One of my experimental ideas ... is to intergrate origami arts with drawings. It's lots of fun, and guess what?!

From my dumb luck of forgetting where I put the regular glue. I pick up the plastic model glue to staple origami instead. It turns out to be a great medium, due to the thickness of the glue.

Illustration Friday - "I spy" .... get additic to orgamic arts lately ... with a twisted of Mark Rothko's painting inspiration ... HE! HE!! Below are more production boards from Spyro New Begining (2006), have a great weekends!!

Artworks copyright by the studios.

More sketches from the Solvang trip. Stongly influent by the Danish culture, entering this little town is like stepping into the lovely Northern European country - Storks peek down from thatch, copper and tile roofs; while delightful shops offer imported European wares: porcelain, collectibles, wrought iron and every form of handicraft. The aroma of chocolate, bakeries, coffee and beer garden fare flavor the quaint streets.

We go to Travel Town for SketchCrawl this time, it's lots of fun. Here are some of the sketches ... been playing too much over the weekends. Will post up the rest soon.

This silly before nap time doodle is inspired by coversations with this group of my architect friends. My pal think animation is fun and cool, not as serious architect. But I believe architect is really important, it affects people's everyday life ... just look at the top drawing ...

SketchCrawl tomorrow YAY!! Having a mad busy day, and need to stay late for a late evening meeting. Brr ... HA ! HA !! Thanks goodness tomorrow is weekends!! YAY!! Anyhow, no chance to upload fun sketches today, but here is a production board for Spyro New Begining (2006) cinematic, which I work on last year. Those are Spyro's "step-parents" ... HE ! HE!! Little dragon, Spyro has dragon flies for parents ... HE! HE!! HAPPY weekends everyone!

Artworks copyright by the studios.
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