Sketching in my room ... top is the view outside my window, drawn during sunset; bottom are before nap time doodles of my desk ...

Before nap time illo ... sleepy ... Zzzzzzz ... don't worry, rabbit is smart little animal.

Tunxi is also known as a, river town. It is today a garden city as well as the tourist center of Southern Anhui. Tunxi has been a strategic location throughout the past dynasties. It became a thriving commercial city in the Ming and Qing Dynasties when trade was most prosperous in Anhui. The old street is also referred to as Song Town in an epitome of its glorious past. The old street is stone slab paved and about 1,000 meters long.

Hong Kong is a little beautiful busy city located on the eastern banks of the Pearl River Delta on the southeastern coast of China, facing the South China Sea in the south and bordering Guangdong Province in the north. The territory, comprising over 260 islands. It also called "The Pearl of the Orient." Even after visiting few cities around the world ... to me, Hong Kong still has the most magical and beautiful night scenery.

This top drawing is drawn from the Kowloon side of the city at night.

Feel like posting some LA drawings for a change. Left is a drawing of Burbank City Hall. Bottom two pieces are from the Mini Crawl, when paintmonster Marty visited LA early this month. That's a lazy Sunday morning ... Err ... As you see ... I didn't draw much that day ... only 2 drawings. Right after the warm and toasty Christmas and New Year holidays, we're still in holiday mood. So end up everyone just sit around chill, listening to the street musicians and having a jolly lazy time.

The mountains were formed in the Mesozoic, about 100 million years ago, when an ancient sea disappeared due to uplift. Later, in the Quaternary, the landscape was shaped by the influence of glaciers.

In many cases, stone pillar forests were formed. The vegetation of the area depends on altitude: Below 1,100 m, moist forest can be found; deciduous forest stretches from 1,100 m up to the tree line at 1,800 m; above that the vegetation consists of alpine grass-lands.

HE!! HE!! Another break time Photoshop silly with a "story" ... Err ... sort of ...

My pals often ask me, "What exactly do you do at work?!" Well ... mostly I animate, but during pre-production, I often involve in concept and storyboard development. Below is the opening cinematic storyboard of Spyro: A New Begining (2006), which I worked on last year. This is drawn in Photoshop. I also up-date the Cinema blog with collection of my animations from Spyro. For blogging convenience, I take out the film script and put all the panels in one page in a thumbnail format.

HE ! HE!! Another break time quicky ...
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