The invention of the steam engine was critical to the invention of the modern railroad and trains. In 1803, a man named Samuel Homfray decided to fund the development of a steam-powered vehicle to replace the horse-drawn carts on the tramways. Richard Trevithick (1771-1833) built that vehicle, the first steam engine tramway locomotive. And George Stephenson is considered to be the inventor of the first steam locomotive engine for railways.

Sketches from my Thanksgiving trip to Arizona.

Versions of stringed instruments (a harp) date back 4,000 years and harps and lyres were favourite instruments of the ancient Greeks. But it is the violin, more than any other instrument, that gives a voice to cross-cultural evolution. Considered the most noble of all stringed instruments, the violin blossomed from the Renaissance to the Classical Period.

The violin emerged in northern Italy in the early 16th century.

Just get off the train today!! Have great time at the Grand Canyon and bring home many many stories and sketches from the trip, will post them up once I organize them. These sketches are from last weekends - Celtic festival.

Day after Thanksgiving ...

"Revenge of the Turkey" - "U ate my father!"Woo HOOO!! Going on Thanksgiving vacation ... YAY!! Can't help not to post one more Evil Turkey illo before heading out. HE ! HE!! Have a great holidays everyone!! Below is a Turning the Caber sketch from the Celtic Festival and the bottom piece is two pages of very old sketches from some ancient folders found in my computer.

In my culture, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Even after living in America for almost 10 years, I still find this holiday a bit tricky to celebrate, since my family live very far away. But I love the idea and joyful spirit of family get together for dinner. Well ... since I'm not going to have any family dinner, I am going on a road trip. HE ! HE!! Nevertheless, I would love to celebrate this joyful warmth holiday in my own fashion ...

A more "traditional" take on the Thanksgiving theme ... Err ... I have a feeling there may be another "wicked" Thanksgiving illo before me go on vacation. Below is a sketch from Saturday outing at the Celtic Festival.

Another quicky break time photoshop painiting or ... my commute home every night on 405 traffic ... YAY?! Err ... OK, I cheat, I take out 4 lanes in the painting, cause get too lazy to paint all 8 lanes on the freeway. I am very excited with my Thanksgiving outing adventure this year ... can't wait!! But at the same time, dragging the possible bad traffic on the road. YIKE!!

Anyhow want to wish everyone an early Happy Thankgiving and a safe trip home. Hopefully traffic wouldn't be tooo bad ...

"How's your Thanksgiving?"

"Good!! Though ...

HE! HE!! The Hawaii girl is a quicky break time doodle; Right is a page from my old travelling journal of Hong Kong; Bottom is a quick sketch of old China town here in LA.

My students often ask me, when do you know whether one is good enough as an artist or how often should an artist practise their arts? I believe no one can answer both questions better then the Japanese master artist, Hokusai:

"From the age of six I had a mania for drawing the shapes of things.

When I was fifty I had published a universe of designs. but all I have

done before the the age of seventy is not worth bothering with.
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