Top windy piece is a quicky sketch over luncheon hour. Bottom is another Silent Hill concept arts ... just one day away from Halloween!! Boo!!

Silent Hill arts is copyrighed by the studios.

Top: A local French cafe

Bottom: Dancing children at the Glove

Well ... after going through a few scary ghost, just to be fair ... not all ghosts are wicked. Some are quite sweet. Don't forget to share your candies with a friendly ghost, who walks you home on a rainy night. Afterall, it's much more fun to enjoy the Halloween fun with friends.

Take a little break from the cute ghosts ... two more pieces from Silent Hill. Top is one of the most haunted rooms - the bloody scarify chamber! HE ! HE!! Silent Hilll concept arts are copyrighted by the studio.

Remember to clean up your lawn for Trick or Treat, cause when the wind blow the autumn leaves ghost will rise from the ground and attack you at night ... so Trick or Treat Lesson 3 - make sure you don't have too many death leaves lying around.

Trick or Treat 101 lesson: This year's lesson number 2. Why too much candy is BAD for you! Here is something your mom and dentist never tell you, cause they don't want to freak you out. If you eat a little bit candy, the candy ghost can't really tell a little chunk of it, is missing. BUT if you eat too much candy ... Well ...

YAY! One week before Halloween, time for the annual Trick or Treat 101 lesson: This year's lesson number 1, NOT all ghosts are friendly ... skip the trick of treat question and run as fast as you can, when you see a mouth of teeth open the door.

Top: A Getty Villa sculpture sketch

Bottom: Silent Hill concept art - Haunted playroom. This painting is copyrighted by the studio.

More quicky doodles while waiting for Maya playblast ... top piece I called it Hamlet's ghost! HE ! HE!! Bottom piece ... Err ... it's a truth story about what happens to my work computer on Wed morning, it DIED!! Guess we are both very exhausted from long hours of work ...

Top: Sketch from the LA County Fair

Bottom: A quicky waiting for computer doodle ...

A warm toasty breakfast on a Sunday morning really help to decompress one's mind from a long hard working week.

Below is another doodle page at work. HA ! HA ! YUP ... these are my co-workers - meet my fellow animator friends at work. You may wonder are these stories in the comic real?! Do they really look goofy like that?! Err .. yea the stories are real, and when we joke around, we are kind of goofy looking. So it's sort of real. HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! OK ... now better get back to work ...

More Silent Hill concept arts for the Halloween season. Initially I put a chair in the middle of the room, but they want a wheel chair instead. Copyrighted by the studios.

Hope no one get sick and tired of my LA County Fair piglet drawings ... HA! HA!! This is the last piece from the set, figure mothery love from mama pig would fit the theme nicely, can't help it, have to submit this to IF. HA ! HA !! Been very burned out and busy by a big project deadline, haven't been able to do much fun outing sketches ... so I doodle my co-workers in-between Quicktime playblast instead.

Top sketch is a Venus sculpture at Getty Villa; continue the creepy theme ... bottom piece is another Silent Hill development art. Have a wonderful weekends!

Silent Hill painting is copyrighted by the studios.

I can't show people what I am working on right now, but I can show what we do at work. HE ! HE!! First another Silent Hill posting for the special Halloween month. The bottom sketch is a doodle of what actually happen quite often at work everday ... HE ! HE!!

Silent Hill painting is copyrighted by the studios.

HA ! HA !! Top is a zoo drawing. Bottom piece is more county fair drawings ... No offend to little kids, but sometime they do behave like little monkeys! OK!! In this case, chimps ...

Top:"Trouble souls" - part of the creepy series!! One of those bizarroo nap time doodles ... Err ... don't know how Dante get stuck in my mind ...

I receive an e-mail from DIDO Award Committee over the weekends, announcing that I just win the MASATO SATO Prize. Without your vote, this would never happen. Thank you very much everyone for visiting my blog and write me encouraging comments. Happy Blogging and a great week!

Left illo is an attempt of a self portrait in a style different from my usual cartoony or realistic self interpretation. But ... it turns out, doesn't quite feel like me ...

These sketches are done at the LA county fair from last weekends. They are belong to the same series with all the pig drawings! HE ! HE!!

Many people have been asking me about piggy racing ... are there really such thing as piggy racing? Since I often make up silly jokes, my friends who never been to a county fair think I make up weird story to tease them. UH huh ... well, the truth is - Piglet racing is REAL!! And it's whole lot of fun to watch, not to mention the cutest thing ever.

Big project deadline, need to work every Saturday plus extra hours on weekdays during the entire October ... feeling drained and exhausted already!! Still haven't completely recover from the crunch time from a month or two ago ... *sigh* ... can't wait till Thanksgiving and Christmas for vacations. On a more cheerful note, starting from today ...
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