Went to roommate's company picnic last week, there is a caricature artist drawing there! He has quite a unique and friendly personality, can't help not to capture him drawing children. They also have balloon artists there. We both have a balloon animals made.

My brain is a bit toasted from long hours of work ... can't even remember some important passwords which I used everyday ... BBBBAAADDD!! Anyhow, just realise I haven't drawn Minty comic for a long time, so doodle one while waiting for Maya playblast at work. Silly Minty helps to take my mind away from the "serious" characters I am animating right now ... Don't get me wrong, they are quite fun to animate, but ... Err ... I could use few giggles from long hours of "SERIOUS" animation assignments.

This week starts up real rough and exhausting ... doodle somethings silly before sleep.

We walked to City Hall from our meeting location, was a little bit disappointed to find it's under renovation. Nevertheless, it's still a lovely building. Left is a drawing of fellow sketchcrawlers. Bottom right is the lovely Paseo Mall, where most of us end the day. But there are 5 sketchcrawlers drawn till night fall!! Cheers to them!! Bottom piece is drawn outside City Hall.

There are two ladies driving in a WWII car and parked right where we were.

WOW!! Many people have posted their sketchcrawl drawings already!! It's great to see everyone's lovely sketches of their cities and a day of experience.

Here are two of my drawings ... will slowly digitize and post up more in the next two days or so. This top piece is drawn at the spot where we met up early in the morning, outside of Johnny Rocket at the Plaza area in Pasadena. Afterwards we walked to City Hall. There are two giant head sculptures across City Hall ...

End of a fun SketchCrawl day. I haven't had the chance to digitzed the drawings from the day yet. But feel like to write a little bit about the day story. We have a great turn out in LA, I head count about 39 people show up. The weather is perfect for a sketch outing. It's my pleasure to meet many talented artists in person. Would love to take this opportunity to thanks all the fellow sketch crawlers for joining the fun.

It has been a GREAT day today.

Top piece is a doodle I did recently. Figure this will fit this week's theme in an abstract level - the dark chaotic psychological state.

This is an old page from my sektchbook, posted it up for fun.

Changes under caffeine influences ... based on true story ...

Off topic, a kind reminder ... for those of you who are interested to participate in the up-coming Los Angeles Sketchcrawl on upcoming Saturday.

Feel like posting something different. HE ! HE!! I draw the top photoshop doodle piece at work during various little breaks. Bottom piece is an old drawing of the Santa Monica community aquarium ... figure it will be fun to post some black and white for a change.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
Minty's Archive