Back in Feburary, I painted a illo of Elphaba based on Gregory Maguire's portray of the character during college age. Since then, I always want to create another illo of her becoming a witch and flying on a boom stick.

"RUN Carrot RUN!!" - HE! HE!! It's very silly, but can't help it!! HE ! HE!!

Shenlong - the Spiritual Dragon: This illo is painted on and off for a while during work break ... HE ! HE!! It's done in Photoshop.

Have a GREAT weekends everyone!!

The left drawing is a little crepe cafe restaurant in Alhambra. That's a Taiwanese Crepe, very tasty!! OK!! I cheated!! I didn't draw the crepe before I eat it ... HE ! HE!! Can never wait to eat when there is a plate of yummy foood in front of me ... while my tummy is complaining noisily in the morning. Love the food places in Alhambra, they are cheap, healthy and tasty.

Get burn out a little bit on Monday, cause I have been working long hours over the weekends and barely have much sleep. Plus the cold, and a demanding client, the week doesn't start too well. Monday night I was so burn out, but itching to draw something ... I come up with this little comic, narrating my frustrataion. BUT!! All is well now, the animation turns out cool looking, so the restless night pay off. Wooo ... Another piece of my Silent Hill Experience concept art below.

Today my supervisor called me into his office, and said he has something to show me. He pop the Silent Hill movie DVD in the computer, after a few click - "HEY!! Check that out!!" It's my first professional concept artwork (The status piece below). The painting makes it into the DVD!! COOLIO!! Me being a bit burn out lately ... this little surprise really cheers me up.

The bonus DVD is about Silent Hill Experience.

Top is a sketch drawn while taking a short walk in Burbank. Bottom piece is a scribble page from old sketchbooks. Kind of fun digging out old forgotten sketches.

Still having fun with the calligraphy idea, so here is another take on "Match." These chinese writings mean "competition."

Though World Cup has ended, football is one of my faourite sports. So I have the little symbol character kicks a football. HE ! HE!! And like it or not, I insist to call "Soccer" --> "Football" - this is how we called the sport in my home country, and I am not going to change my habit, no matter how my friends tease me.

I always want to make a illo with my chinese calligraphy writing, since calligraphy is my favourite chinese arts form. The first thing pop into my head with "match" is the chinese symbols for "multiple choice" ... Err ... do too much of those tests as a kid I guess. HA ! HA !! Anyhow, here is the illo I come up with.

Top piece is a nap time doodle. Bottom piece?! HA ! HA !! THat's an very very old sketch ... humm ... something like 7 - 8 years ago.
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