Jeff invited me to do an inteview at Design Inspiration Blog. Hope you will enjoy the interview posting.

These are waiting sketches at Luxor, and Aladdin hotel lobby in Vegas.

I have the pleasure meeting many talented artists and Paint Monster, Marty who is visiting CA from Japan at a DrawingBoard sketch outing. Marty draw me a cute lovely illo of a little girl eating an ice-cream!! The top left picture is his artworks. The rest are my drawings of the coffee shop where we hang out. The evening is a lot of fun.

Growthing up in topical country, I am pretty good with hot climate. But lately, the temperature has seen sooo super hot ... going out during lunch time, becomes less and less attractive then stay in door surfing on-line. The other day, I find a rare shady "cool" spot near the studio to draw a quicky sketch. Bottom piece is a little animation team lunch.

Usually whenever I stay at a hotel, my room end up facing the parking lot or the wall of the next building. But I got luck this time! Top piece is from Buffalo Bill hotel window overseeing the neon sign. Bottom piece is from my room in Aladdin.

I have a great time at Comic Con. The best is meeting many awesome artists there, whom I admire but never meet in person. I buy the lovely book, "Out of picture." It's a great pleasure talking to the artists who created the book, and have it signed. I also meet Ronnie Del Carmen and Enrico Casarosa for the first time. Always love their works, I am so very happy that both of them kindly draw a page in my sketchbook!! YEAH!! Thank you very much everyone, and glad finally meeting you all in person.

Nap time doodles and a page of 5 mins figure drawings.

Lucky me!! I was experimenting with new digital painting technique and style the other day. The illo somehow fits this week IF theme!! HE ! HE! Initially I doodle the buffalo to do a brush test ... then I have too much fun and start adding stuffs around it. After a while ... it turns out into this.

Have a great weekends everyone! I will be at Comic Con on Saturday, may bump into some of you talented people over there!!

Top: Aladdin, Las Vegas

Bottom: LA Zoo

Top: Aladdin mall lobby sitting area

Bottom: Paris Casino at night, drawn from Bellagio fountain across street
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