HE ! HE!! Another before nap time doodle ... as for the self portrait below, you may ask - WHAT self portrait?! Err ... That's me drawing my feet, when I am waiting roommate and friends get ready for breakfast outing ...

Top is 5 mins life drawings; bottom are doodles, which I drew before sleep ... Err ... kind of like read a book to sleep ... sometimes I draw myself to sleep.

Witness an argument between two friends is never an easy feeling. The whole quarrel starts with one person over react to the other's deceleration speed while exiting the FWY. We were all having good time. The car was running at safe legal speed. I didn't understand why the passanger friend freaked out. It's not the first time we carpool together. Long story short ... after the driving friend apologized in tears; the other party still wouldn't stop scolding.

Have a good weekends everyone!

When you see the flower shop fills with colourful tropical flowers, and biker wears swim wear zooming around town ... you know summer is here!! Saw these on Sunday at the beach area ... the biker is drawn from memory, since he doesn't hold a pose too well!! HA ! HA !!

BTW ... does anyone know how do meteorologists figure out today is "THE" first day of summer?! Humm ...

Exhausting long work hours, the project went quite well so far. Can't wait for it to complete, then things will get back to normal again ... Bottom page is zoo drawings from last weekends ...

A belated Father's Day posting .. when I was a kid, my dad always took me to all kinds of fun outings. At the end of an adventurous day, when I got too tired to walk, he always carried me home, and I would fell asleep on his back. Usually part of the day trip involved getting me a balloon!! HA ! HA!!... This top illo is my little dedication to dad ... who is living on the other same of the planet ... HAPPY BELATED FATHER'S DAY!!

This sketch is drawn at the Main Street Farmers' market on Sunday.

"Girlsí education is advancing worldwide and its benefits are undisputed. But Progress for Children reports that eliminating gender disparities remains a major challenge and is key to achieving the 2015 Millennium Development Goals of universal primary education and gender equality." - UNICEF, Progress for Children: Education and gender parity.
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