Just get off the plane today, tired!! Disney World is LOTS OF FUN!! I did many odd little skethes while I was there ... will post those up after I digitized them. These are some older outing sketches.

A belated submission to IF "Sorry" theme. This wicked idea pop into my head unexpectically last night. HE ! HE!!

"Sorry my friend, I'm afraid you are practising magic in my dining room ..." said the fish.

My blogger account just reach the 20,000 mark. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and your supports. It has been a lot of fun meeting all you amazing talented people out there!! Cheers to all happy bloggers!!

Minty and I are taking a memorial weekends get away in Orlando.

Here are two other experiments of the chinese vintage style ideas. Personally I like the simple white watercolor one better then the bottom one. The bottom one in my opinion is kind of boring ... I try too hard figure out the hair and clothing style of the period ... didn't even think about the character herself. While the one on the left is more spontaneously. It's inspired by my imagination of the past, then the formality of the past, which I am not familiar with.

Collections of random doodles of faces, co-worker in meeting, weird cow creature, Harry Potter ... all the while I believe I am supposed to be working ...

This piece on the left is my first experimental attempt to create a contemporary twist of 40's chinese vintage poster design. But it's not very successful. I grow up seeing many chinese vintage arts. Regrettably during my youth, I take them for granted, never learn to appreciate them.

Ahhhh ... work offically gets into crunch time, we start working extra hours and sometime over the weekend. OK!! I start feeling a bit burn out. Physically I can't go anywhere for vacation, but at least I can day dream. Top is a day dream doodle of the giant wind mill I saw in Palm Spring, along with a little tram my friend got me from SF; and a Cezanne baseball I got from Philadelphia many light years ago. Good time!!

Below are two drawings from my travel journal.

These two rough concept art pages from the Violin girl story happens to match this week's IF theme. This is another section of the same story I posted for last IF theme.

This idea come up "subconsciously" ... may be watching too much Animal Planet lately ... One lazy afternoon, my little CPU suddenly questioning me about the well being of elephant, and how's human activities affected their habitat ... Then the mythical story about white elephant come in mind from no where. Initally I want to make an illustration for the idea, but been too overwhelm with work lately, so I make this simple short hand sketch to record the idea.

This is inspired by the temporary war memorial set up at Santa Monica Pier. I didn't draw the scenery on location, but the powerful image stuck in my mind, I have to put it on paper before sleep ...

"The chain reaction of evil--wars producing more wars -- must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called.

My Minty T-shirt just arrives, it's soo cute and comfy!! Oooh and done tons of goodies shopping, now I am all set for summer fun!! YEAH!

And the best is, I find this adorable little Fossil shoulder bag. It's light weight (good for sporting and adventurous outings) - perfect size for my sketchbook with cool compartments for drawing kit and junks!! HE ! HE!! Sooo HAPPY!!

BTW, off topic ...
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