I usually keep a sketchbook at my bed side, and sometimes doodle a bit before I go to sleep. These two are doodled before I fell asleep. The bottom one is my desk/studio space in my room.

Yea ... my desk is always a bit messy. I have a little G4 iMac for internet surfing and doing most of my 2D stuffs ... the Dell laptop is mostly for Maya. Between the two computers, the Dell is a newer computer and more powerful, but I like the Mac better. It's more stable, doesn't give me as much headache as the PC. It's just the little Mac is a bit old to run Maya efficiently.

Quick sketches of children dance performance in my neighborhood

Doodles of my co-workers, and random sketches of pirates - inspired by Pirate of Caribbean.

Dear all,

I am organizing my drawings and illustrations for arts book publishing idea. Appreciated any suggestion, if there is any artwork you would like to see in a book.

The ice-cream monster store has been updated. New merchandises, including the Noodle Monster illo below can be found in the store. Please check them out!! Thank you very much for visiting my blog, and your supports to my artworks.

Alina :)


This starts as a paper bag doodle, I drew before sleep. Then I add the color and monster in Photoshop.

Top: Las Vegas - Paris buffet

Bottom: LA - The Museum Of Jurassic Technology tea room

Oh boy!! I happen to have an old doodle page fitting the theme. The bottom drawing is a concept arts of the war scene from my old film project - "E=mc2" (2001).

Top: Circus Circus hotel waiting area

Bottom: The Venetian

"My little sister is only 3 feet tall!"

This is sort of inspired by personal experience ... consider I am not the tallest person on the planet, my friends like to tease me about my height.

Top: Wynn lobby garden

Bottom: Monte Carlo Casino
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