Doodle these waiting for computer processing ... Top is done in Photoshop; Bottom is an anatomy study scribble page from my sketchbook.

HE ! HE!! Doodled this one before I went to bed, then coloured it next day while I was having my breakfast.

5 - 10 mins sketches from life models

I'm a little teapot

Short and stout

Here's my handle, here's my spout

When the kettle's boiling

Hear me shout

Tip me up and pour me out

More sketches from last weekends outing ...

Bye Bye winter!! Last bit of winter doodles ...

Weather is getting warmer ... Spring is near, can't wait till summer!! Ahhhh ... Minty is looking especially tasty these days.

These are concept arts for my film, E=mc2 (2001). For more background story about this film, you can check out my earlier posting in September, by clicking the film title.

Go outdoor sketching with a group of friends over the weekends. Here are a sketch of the French restaurant where we had brunch;and a drawing painted at the Descanso Garden.

5 mins quick sketches from life models

An experiment piece inspired by a flower pot, which my friend gave me before she moved up to Canada. The flowers of the plant look like little rabbits singing and dancing.

A.K.A Co-workers, who I used to work with.

Eat them don't eat me ...

The lovely city which hold many happy memories, drew this last time when I visited Hong Kong. The black drawing at the bottom is my childhood stuff animals collection at my parents' house. HE ! HE!!

Ice-Cream Monster Store has been updated!! Now you can buy "Elphaba" and "Chair Game" pin on-line.

Draw this in Photoshop during work break

Natural History Museum sketch

These are 5 - 10 mins poses.

Childhood for most people is probably the simpliest and worry free time in one's life. Top sketch is done at the Farmers' Market at Santa Monica Main Street. Bottom drawings are my little study desk and toy at my parents' place. I drew this last time when I go home visit. My mom is very sweet. She keeps all my old kiddy stuffs in very good condition.

I am reading "Wicked - The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West". This drawing is Inspired by the image of Elphaba in the novel. The book is surpisingly a fun read. Iin the story, Elphaba's roommate asks her to try out an orange flower hat, which could make an ugly person look ridiculous, and pronounce the loveliness of a beautiful girl. Being a green girl, no one not even Elphaba herself think she is pretty. Her roommate intends to humiliate Elphaba.

One of my favourite childhood game play was using newspaper to fold a boat, and then put my little red chair in it. I would be the captain. My friends and I would play pirate game screaming and yelling, jumping around and playing sword fight with each other. HE ! HE!! I tried to make this piece look like children's collage and marker drawing. Used to like markers a lot, but somehow I lost interestes with the media when I grow up ... I don't use marker these days anymore.
Minty's pet
Minty's pet
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