Dear all,

Many people have been asking about my well being over Thanksgiving. Thank you sooo much for your care and warm wishes. I have tons of fun in San Francisco. It's an amazing city - love the nice sunny cold dry weather. Good for little ice-cream like myself. So much so I love SF a lot, at least I didn't get into embarrassing moments like Alina did. She almost bumps into walls, lamp posts, pillars, run over by cars countless times walking around with her head looking everywhere but forward!! Very embarrassing ... Wooo!! I really like the cable car ride, it's awesome!! Here is a little drawing of my traveling stories in SF, hope you enjoy it.

Have a great weekends everyone!!

Ice-cream and cookies,

Yours truly,

Minty, the ice-cream cone.

Top: Palace of Fine Art

Bottom: Ghirardelli Square

Wooo ... they have some very wicked and tasty chocolate soda ice-cream float!! It's really rich, after a small cup of those I can't eat anything for the rest of the day ... but it's totally worth a try!! Yummmmm ... Right before I left SF, I run to their little chain store over at Union Square for one little scoope of chocolate ice-cream!! HE ! HE!! So I did have some ice-cream, but no worry, Minty is safe and sound.

Thank you everyone for your kind comments with my San Francisco sketches. SF is a very beautiful city, the atmosphere is very different from LA. I took over 400 photos in 5 days. HA ! HA!! If not because of digital camera memory card error, I would have taken much more photos. :P Ever turn and corner in the city is soo inspiring, can't help not capturing its beauty ... I end up drew many little sketches instead. I will post all the sketches in the following days.

PS. Minty is doing well.

This illustration Friday is inspired by the Japanese Garden I visited in San Francisco. Below is one of the drawings of the garden. The chinese symbol in the picture means "Tree" or "Forest." Little creature appears so much smaller next to giant redwood trees. Still in SF vacation mood ... HA ! HA !! China town in SF is very fun too. Promise will post more SF drawings in the following days.

Just come back from San Francisco today, have a lot of fun!! Thank you all for your warm holiday greetings and nice comments. I will post all the SF drawings as soon as I digitized them. Here are drawings I drew before vacation.

Dear all,

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!

We are going on vacation for a week. Will post new stuffs when we get back. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Many people ask me about what kind of drawing tools I use for everyday sketching. So here I put my little watercolor set and pen in the picture. Should have taken the picture before I wash the palette ... it would be more interesting ... :P

Err ... HE ! HE!! This is not up-side down ...

Last time when I heard about this film, was in 2001 around October. My profressor told me that the film still shown at the United National headquater in New York three years after I donated it. It happened there was an international conference regarding about Sept 11. Right before the conference started, world leaders and representative were waiting around at the lobby area. They watched the films randomly shown on the screen, my film happened to be shown at the moment.

This is the final draft of the storyboard.
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