The top one is an older drawing. The bottom one I did it recently at the Natural History Musuem.

This illustration is my little Christmas gift to my childhood best friend, who lives in the other end of the planet. We know each other since eleven years old.

Trying to re-organized my storage space. Found tons of 4 - 5 years old conceptual arts.

Minty and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!! Thanks for visiting my blog! Wish you all a toasty and joyful holidays!

Ice-cream and cookies,

Minty and Alina

Bottom: Christmas sketches at the Grove, and friends' place

Top: Outing sketch at Pasadena

The church drawing really has nothing to do with Christmas directly. I put it in, cause it's such a classic California scene. Even though it's winter and 2 days before Christmas, it's not an unsual scene to see churches surrounded by palm trees, instead of pine tree cover with snow.

"3 years ago ..."

This is "Now" ...

Quit interesting to put old and new drawings side by side ...
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